A blend of romance, mystery, and the supernatural...
"Follow the adventure of Makoto, a young man who unexpectedly encountered a mysterious lamia, Maria, follow him as he goes on a bizarre adventure from hating her to loving her."
Themes: Romance, Mystery, Identity, Supernatural
A young man who had been caught by Maria. A man who comes from an average family gets caught into an awkward situation of someone claiming to be someone's "Husband". Sometimes, fate is weird.
A lamia who comes from a tragic background is looking for someone who can love her and is still learning about her identity as a lamia.
“Makoto caught by a girl who came from a tragic backstory prolclaims him as his "husband" after catching him using her tail. He called IST (Interpseices Security Taskforce) to take her away to do background check. The next day he encountered her at a speed dating where he learned about her past and learned she was a childish adult and she had to live with him and decided to make a goal. His goal is turn her from a childish adult to a normal adult. How does the relatonship between Makoto and Maria would follow? Can he handle Maria's behaviour? Only one way to find out.”
Stay tuned for new chapters, artwork, and more insights into the world of *My "Girlfriend" Lamia*!